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Shatavari tab (Shatavari tab)
  • Shatavari tab (Shatavari tab)

Shatavari tab (Shatavari tab)

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4800 KZT
Brand:Shri Ganga
Country of manufacture:India

drug with a strong anti - aging effect, balances the female hormonal system, accelerating the transition to the liverlevel and extradiogram in estrol, and stimulates the synthesis of progesterone.

Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) or Shatabri is a plant of one hundred changes. It is sometimes called shatamuli from the Sanskrit "shata" - one hundred and "muli" - a diverse root. Shatavari is also called "dear to God" for the ability to restore and strengthen the reproductive system of women. According to the belief, this plant was planted with Garuda, a mythical bird, on which the god Vishnu traveled. It belongs to the category of the divine drink of catfish. According to Hinduism, shatavari is a plant of devas - gods, who feed on such plants to strengthen superconsciousness.

Shatavari (Satawari, Shatmuli) has been known in Ayurveda for centuries as a plant that preserves the health of women. It rasayana - a remedy with a strong rejuvenating effect, balances the female hormonal system, accelerating the transition at the level of the liver of estradiol to estrol, and stimulates the synthesis of progesterone. Thus, the plant prevents the development of estrogen - dependent diseases (fibroids, mastopathy, endometriosis, cervical erosion, sporadic goiter). Shatavari activates the activity of the egg in the body of a woman, increasing their ability to fertilize.

Scientific studies confirm the effect of breast enlargement and milk secretion in women who regularly take the extract of this herbal plant, which is associated with increased synthesis of prolactin and somatotropin. The rich content of bioflavonoids and natural antibiotics in the plant cleans the blood and mucous membranes of the female genital tract. Since the plant contains many analogues of female sex hormones, Shatawari is useful for taking women in menopause and those who have undergone surgery to remove the uterus.

Shatavari has a positive effect on the male sexual sphere - it can be used in the complex treatment of impotence, spermatherapy and inflammation of the genitals.

Also this herbal preparation is an effective emollient for atrophic hypoacid gastritis, gastric ulcer, dry skin and even herpes. It alleviates thirst and contributes to keeping thefluid alive in the body, therefore the use of Shatawari is recommended for the complex treatment of enterocolitis.

A mild immunomodulator and a remarkable anti - inflammatory agent.

Shatavari in Ayurveda is the main means for rejuvenating the female body (an analog for men - Ashvaganda). She is a Pitta rasaan, therefore she has a tonic effect on the female genitalia and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. The composition of drugs includes a large number of saponins - plant analogues of hormones.

Main types actions which renders Shatavari on the body are as follows:
toning female reproductive and endocrine organs
increase in the amount of breast milk
menstrual increasing egg activity and their ability to divide and fertilization
conversion hormone estradiol in estrol, thereby reducing the risk of developing hormone - dependent tumors
excretion of dihydrotestosterone, which leads to prostatic hypertrophy

drug mainly used to treat diseases of the five groups:
1.besplodie, impotence, decreased sexual activity, menopause, vaginal discharge, tumors and inflammatory diseases of the female and male reproductive system
2. gastritis and stomach ulcer, diarrhea, intestinal infections, Otero liquid with vomiting and fever
3.infektsii airway, lung abscess
4.gormonalnye disorders and diseases of endocrine glands
5. As fortifying agent (if beremennosminute, lactation, diseases of the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, joints, etc. )

Methods of use: One tablet contains 660 mg. In severe conditions, with hysteria, PMS, hormonal disorders start taking 2 tablets 20 minutes before meals, 2 times a day, for one week. After reducing the count to 2 times a day (morning and evening). The course of admission: 24 - 26 days, followed by an 8 - 10 day break. In total, three courses are conducted. It is good to tie the shatavari to a cycle of menstruation. Up to monthly take before meals, during menstruation after eating. It is also permissible not to significantly increase the dosage with abundant discharge and a large loss of blood. As a prophylactic, take 1 pill 2 - 3 times a day before meals.

If there are abnormalities, inflammation of the appendages, irregular or painful periods, severe MPS or nervous breakdown, the dose may be doubled.

Brand:Shri Ganga
Country of manufacture:India
Information is up-to-date: 18.03.2024

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