Мадхувани дабур (madhuvaani dabur)  in Almaty online-store Moya Indiya | Buy Мадхувани Дабур (Madhuvaani Dabur)  Almaty (Kazakhstan) | Moya Indiya : Allbiz
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Мадхувани Дабур (Madhuvaani Dabur)
  • Мадхувани Дабур (Madhuvaani Dabur)

Мадхувани Дабур (Madhuvaani Dabur)

In stock
2600 KZT
Country of manufacture:India

The famous Ayurvedic remedy for flu, colds and sore throats. Madhuvaani looks like jam, with a pleasant smell and sweetish, spicy taste. The composition of jam includes honey, sitopaladi churna, spices and medicinal herbs. All together, they give an excellent effect for colds.


- relieves pain in the throat;
- eases cough, acts as expectorant;
- reduces the risk of allergic reactions;
- increases the general resistance of the body.

Indications for use:

- colds and viral diseases;
- influenza;
- bronchitis;
- sore throat;
- asthma;
- tuberculosis.

Dosing and Dosage:

Adults - 1 or 2 tablespoons three times a day.

Children up to 12 years - 1/3/4 1 teaspoon three times a day, you can add a little honey, as the children of medication may seem sharp due which is a part of pepper. But do not dilute the drug with water.

When Bole throat should slowly dissolve jam.

Побочные действия: не выявлены.

Состав: мёд, ситопалади чурна, пипали (длинный перец), корица, йоговахи.

Срок годности указан на упаковке. Раранить в сухом прохладном месте, после открытия плотно закрывать крышку.

Country of manufacture:India
Information is up-to-date: 18.03.2024

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Unbelievable price on Мадхувани Дабур (Madhuvaani Dabur) in Almaty (Kazakhstan) company Moya Indiya.
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