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Failure panchamrita szhemchugom 25tab. (Baidyanath Prawal Panchamrit)
  • Failure panchamrita szhemchugom 25tab. (Baidyanath Prawal Panchamrit)

Failure panchamrita szhemchugom 25tab. (Baidyanath Prawal Panchamrit)

Not available
2800 KZT
Brand:Baidyanath Prawal Panchamrit
Country of manufacture:India

Enlarged liver, increased acidity, diarrhea.

• Mukta Bhasma - pearl - shaped
powder • Shankha Bhasma - comminuted in shell Anhui
powder • Shukti Bhasma - powder of pearl oysters
• Kaparda Bhasma - powder of shell kauri
10 grams of powder of each
• Prahvala Bhasma - coral powder - 30 grams
• Calotropis procer - 70 ml.

swelling, edema, spleen disorder, cough, asthma, anorexia, dyspepsia, regurgitation, malabsorption, diarrhea, urinary tract disorders, etc.

Method of application: .
1 - 2tab. 1 - 2 times a day before or after a meal with honey and melted butter or milk or as recommended by the Ayurvedic physician

Praval panchamrita available in powder or tablet form. It is often used in the Ayurvedic tradition of northern India. Calms Vata and Kapha. The recommended course of admission is 1 month.

Formula Pachamrita prakvalita is mentioned in the text Bhaysaya Ratnavali Gulma Rogadhikara
Ingredients: moti bhasm, shank bhasm, shukti bhasm, vatratica bhasm, praval bhasm.

Pearls, coral and mother of pearl, together with basmets made of twisted shells and cowry shells, are part of the composition called Pravala pancamrita. It cools and balances the pitta. The main therapeutic effect is on the digestive tract, especially in such disorders as diarrhea, mild absorption, acid dyspepsia, gastritis, enteritis, gastrointestinal ulcers and cardiac disorders. Pearl reduces acidity, calms the nerves and is all - calming, it removes nervous overexcitation and is used in cases of increased acidity, asthma, coughing, consumption, bleeding, ulcers of digestive organs, liver and kidney disorders, deprivation and many other pitta diseases.

Pearls are especially useful for children's body and pregnant women.

The coral is used for approximately the same purposes. Both stones contribute to maintaining the balance of the three doshas.
The cowrey shell, mainly affects the small intestine, while the action of the twisted shells focuses on the stomach.
Pancamritis corrects deficiency of calcium and helps in respiratory diseases. 4A1A46EC20CF93EE5C846A51E04F0ED.

Brand:Baidyanath Prawal Panchamrit
Country of manufacture:India
Information is up-to-date: 18.03.2024

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Unbelievable price on Failure panchamrita szhemchugom 25tab. (Baidyanath Prawal Panchamrit) in Almaty (Kazakhstan) company Moya Indiya.
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