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Cardiovascular system treatment substances ©

Серпина (Serpina Himalaya)
In stock 
2800 KZT
Serpina causes a decrease in the peripheral reserves of kotelamine (norepinephrine), which contributes to lowering blood pressure. Serpina reduces the adrenergic tone of the heart and helps to control anxiety. Thus, Serpina is beneficial in the treatment of disorders associated with nervous...
Group: Drugs to lower blood pressure
Тагара (Tagara Himalaya)
In stock 
2800 KZT
Тагаратакже известна как индийская валериана, является эффективным препаратом который оказывает расслабляющее действие на организм и используется как успокаивающее при нервном напряжении, истерии, бессонницы и расстройствах сна, неврозах сердца, головокружениях, нервном сердцебиении, эпилепсии ,...
Group: Cardiovascular preparations
Серпина (Serpina Himalaya)
In stock 
2800 KZT
Serpina causes a decrease in the peripheral reserves of kotelamine (noradrenaline), which contributes to lowering blood pressure. Serpina reduces the adrenergic tone of the heart and helps to control anxiety. Thus, Serpina is beneficial in the treatment of disorders associated with nervous tension,...
Group: Drugs to lower blood pressure
Ardjunin (Ardjunin Sharak)
Not available | Wholesale and retail 
2000 KZT
Ardjunin ARJUNIN - ETO mnogogrannyi kardioprotyektor, obladayushii antianginalinym, gipolipidyemichyeskim e antioksidantnym dyeistviyem. В исследованиях (double blind placebo controlled trial) главный компонент ARJUNINа - Terminalia arjuna (Arjun chhal) показал антинангинальный эффект, который...
Group: Cardiovascular preparations
Ardjunin (Ardjunin Sharak)
In stock | Wholesale and retail 
2000 KZT
Ardjunin ARJUNIN - ETO mnogogrannyi kardioprotyektor, obladayushii antianginalinym, gipolipidyemichyeskim e antioksidantnym dyeistviyem. В исследованиях (double blind placebo controlled trial) главный компонент ARJUNINа - Terminalia arjuna (Arjun chhal) показал антинангинальный эффект, который...
Group: Cardiovascular preparations
Сарпагандхади Гулика, Sarpagandhadi Gulika, 100 tabs.
In stock | Wholesale and retail 
500 KZT
If you or your loved ones are suffering from hypertension, do not delay with treatment. After all, this disease worsens the flow of blood, increases the permeability of blood vessels, and as a result, headaches, swelling may appear. There are various ailments, it becomes hard to fall asleep, sleep...
Group: Drugs to lower blood pressure
Сарпагандхади Гулика, Sarpagandhadi Gulika, 100 tabs.
Custom order | Wholesale and retail 
500 KZT
If you or your loved ones are suffering from hypertension, do not delay with treatment. After all, this disease worsens the flow of blood, increases the permeability of blood vessels, and as a result, headaches, swelling may appear. There are various ailments, it becomes hard to fall asleep, sleep...
Group: Drugs to lower blood pressure
Cardiovascular preparations
In stock | Wholesale and retail 
3500 KZT
Group: Cardiovascular preparations
Cardiovascular preparations
In stock | Wholesale and retail 
3400 KZT
Group: Cardiovascular preparations
Drugs to lower blood pressure
In stock | Wholesale and retail 
3800 KZT
Group: Drugs to lower blood pressure


Unbelievable price on Cardiovascular system treatment substances © in Almaty (Kazakhstan) company Moya Indiya. Wide choice of quality products at affordable prices.