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Stress Guard
  • Stress Guard

Stress Guard

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3600 KZT
Brand:Goodcare Pharma
Country of manufacture:India

Stress gard is a complex ayurvedic remedy that balances organs and systems in a human body exposed to stress and improves physical and mental health. Beneficially affects the psyche and the nervous system.

Stress Guard can be recommended for normalizing functionals of the nervous system, psycho-emotional overload stress, chronic fatigue.

Indications: general fatigue, nervous exhaustion, stress, depression, memory loss, convalescence, insomnia, multiple sclerosis, headache, epilepsy, nervous origin cramps, anemia, impotence, infertility, spermatorrhea, tissue failure, paralysis.

The product is based on extracts from plant roots in the "golden row of plants" of Southeast Asia: Ashvagandhi/Aswanaganda (Withania somnifera), herbs Brami/Brahmi (Bakopa monnieri) and Jatamansi (Nardotachys jatamansi) . It is absolutely natural preparation.

Ashvagandha or Ashwaganda is the best anti-aging plant, especially for muscles, bone marrow and semen. Used for weakness and tissue failure, overwork, insomnia, nervous exhaustion, helps restore the hormonal system. It has a tonic, nerve-strengthening, sedative, astringent effect.

Brahmi or Brami (Gothu Cola) - the most important in Ayurvedic medicine is a means to stimulate and strengthen the nerve and brain cells. Brahmi increases intelligence, improves memory, increases life expectancy, slows down aging and gives strength in old age. Strengthens the immune system by cleansing and nourishing it, and also strengthens the adrenal glands. Brahmi helps to establish a balance between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Datamansi has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and circulatory system, has analgesic, relaxing and soothing properties.

Stress garde stimulates and strengthens nerve cells, increases intelligence, clears the mind, calms the nervous system, promotes a quiet healthy sleep, prolongs life, has a rejuvenating effect (especially muscle, bone marrow and reproductive system).

It is used for weakness and tissue failure in children, the elderly, in persons weakened by chronic illnesses, overwork, insomnia, and those suffering from nervous exhaustion.

The drug is very effective with frequent headaches and acute heart pain. Directions for use: 1 capsule 2 times a day.

Brand:Goodcare Pharma
Country of manufacture:India
Information is up-to-date: 18.03.2024

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